Privacy Statement

Privacy Statement

The Malaysian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry (MJCB) is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of the information collected through its journal site. This extended Privacy Statement elaborates on how the journal handles and protects the names and email addresses entered on the site, providing a comprehensive understanding of the practices in place.

  1. Information Collection:

    • Names and email addresses are collected exclusively for the stated purposes of the Malaysian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry.
    • The information is obtained when individuals submit manuscripts, register as authors, reviewers, or editors, or subscribe to journal updates.
  2. Purpose of Information:

    • The collected information is used solely for the purposes associated with the Malaysian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, including manuscript submissions, peer review processes, and communication regarding the journal.
  3. Data Access:

    • The collected data will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
    • Access to the information is restricted to authorized personnel involved in the editorial and administrative processes of MJCB.
  4. Security Measures:

    • The Malaysian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry employs industry-standard security measures to safeguard the collected information against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
  5. Third-Party Services:

    • MJCB may use third-party services for certain journal-related functions, such as manuscript submission platforms. Users are encouraged to review the privacy policies of these third-party services, as they may have separate practices.
  6. Publication and Research Integrity:

    • While MJCB prioritizes the privacy of user information, the journal is committed to maintaining publication and research integrity. As such, data related to manuscript submissions, peer reviews, and other editorial processes may be retained in accordance with ethical and legal standards.
  7. Policy Updates:

    • This Privacy Statement may be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the practices of the Malaysian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. Users will be notified of any significant changes.

By using the services provided by the Malaysian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, users acknowledge and consent to the practices outlined in this Privacy Statement. For any inquiries or concerns regarding privacy matters, individuals can contact the journal's editorial team.